Community Services
Adventist Community Services meets people’s immediate needs through social services such as tutoring and mentoring programs, Youth Volunteer Corps, health screening education and assistance, inner city missions, and disaster response.
Want to be involved? You can join one of the exhisting ministries or start one of your own!
This ministry was created as an organized way to assist members, and friends with the church with life events. In some ways this ministry could be compared to an "Frolic", in that folks are helped with things that they wouldn't be able to do on their own.
Help has been for things such as moving house, minor house repair prior to a move, an ill member was helped with cutting and splitting wood, another isolated family who was also ill was helped to build a wood shed. The primary purpose of this ministry has been to co-ordinate members to work together on these kinds of volunteer work. Typically the host/recipient supplies food and if possible gas money for those traveling a distance.